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Custom Payment Solutions

At Pay Trust Corp, we understand that every business is unique and has its own set of needs. Unlike other payments and payroll companies that take a one-size-fits-all approach, we specialize in creating customized solutions and programs that are tailored to meet the specific needs of our customers.

When you partner with us, you can expect to receive a solution that is designed to meet the demands of your specific business environment and individual needs. Our mission is to act as consultants and educators for our customers, providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive in the payments and payroll industry.


Our customized approach is what sets us apart in the merchant services, payroll, and business processes industry. We offer a comprehensive array of products and services that can be customized to meet the unique needs of each customer's payment system. Our team of professionals will work with you to design a solution that is tailored to your business and supported by full-service support.

Cash Discounting

A Cash Discount is a pricing strategy used by merchants in which customers who pay with cash are offered a discounted price. This can be achieved through two methods:

  1. Cash Discounting: The merchant offers a discount on their displayed prices at the point of sale.

  2. Reverse Cash Discounting (Surcharging): The merchant assesses a Customer Service Fee to their customers, typically between 3-4%, which helps to offset or eliminate the merchant's processing fees.


The Cash Discount program works by the merchant posting a policy at their location that advises customers of the assessment of a Customer Service Fee. They also post a policy that offers a discount to customers who pay with cash. The Customer Service Fee and the Discount should be in line with the processing fee billed to the merchant. This helps the merchant to manage their costs and pass on the savings to their customers.

Payroll Solutions

Pay Trust Corp is a national provider of comprehensive payroll services. We partner with local trusted advisors to offer our clients an integrated solution that combines payroll with a variety of business services. Our user-friendly, web-based interface, and unparalleled customer support make managing payroll easier and more efficient.


Our scalable product can accommodate businesses of all sizes, from small companies with just a few employees to larger organizations with thousands of employees. We understand that every business is unique, and that's why we provide a dedicated customer service representative for each of our clients, ensuring personalized support and assistance. Whether you have a small budget or a large budget, our solution will meet your needs and help you manage payroll effectively.

Virtual Terminal 

The Pay Trust Corp Virtual Terminal is a highly valuable tool for merchants who require remote processing of credit card payments. Unlike conventional point-of-sale terminals, our Virtual Terminal allows for secure online payment processing, effectively eliminating the need for a physical terminal.

A significant advantage of the Pay Trust Corp Virtual Terminal is its remarkable flexibility. It can be accessed via any internet-enabled device, allowing for payment processing from virtually anywhere, at any time. This is particularly advantageous for businesses that operate in multiple locations or require on-the-go payment processing.

Moreover, the Pay Trust Corp Virtual Terminal is also cost-effective. With no need to purchase or maintain physical equipment, merchants can save on equipment and maintenance costs. Additionally, our Virtual Terminal offers a high level of security for merchants, with all transactions processed via secure servers and sensitive customer data encrypted to prevent fraud and data breaches. This provides peace of mind to merchants, knowing their customers' sensitive information is kept secure.


Our merchants and partners rely on the Pay Trust Corp Gateway every day.  Designed to provide compliance and security, The PayTech Gateway is built with a complete set of payment plans that deliver simplified data security, making PCI compliance cheaper and easier.  Our payments environment is perfect for payment processing, including card-present point-of-sale, mobile payments and e-commerce.

Hosted Payments

Securely connect to the Pay Trust Corp Gateway

The Hosted Payment Page connects to any website or shopping cart application securely to the Payt Trust Corp Gateway enabling credit card and ACH payments. With our Hosted Payment Page, merchants can gather non-sensitive data required to perform payment transactions, while Pay Trust Corp securely handles all sensitive cardholder data. Merchants using our Hosted Payments solution benefit from simplified PCI compliance requirements.

  • Use Pay Trust Corp Gateway as your shopping cart solution for your website’s ecommerce.

  • Customize color themes, logos and fields to match your business.

  • Add online payments to your existing website with full PCI compliance.

Let’s Work Together

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